Friday, October 5, 2012

The Role of NLP in conversation, interactions

Again I bring you the power of conversational hypnosis. What better way of demonstrating it than a Derren Brown video in which during a casual conversation, high levels of neuro linguistic programming was successfully executed. I'm not going to say much more, sit back and marvel at this brilliant demonstration by Derren Brown:

Amazing video again and pretty self-explanatory. Fortunately you can learn the art of conversational hypnosis, and do similar things, perhaps not as effectively as Derren Brown here right away but you could eventually get there and more with practice.

This is the link to a site on conversational hypnosis by expert Igor Ledochowski

Here is a link to less of the showman like hypnosis which gets down to the details quicker

P.S. Let me know what you think about how "practical" NLP, conversational hypnosis could be & whether you think it can "actually" be done this effectively in the comments. I've got a really interesting anecdote on this one... will post soon.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mind over money: science of getting rich

In this modern age, money has a central role in life. Money is the route to freedom, it lets you do whatever you want to do, whenever you want to do it, with whomsoever you wish to do it with. At some point of your life, each and every one is bound to wonder what the road to prosperity is? How does one get rich?

Some say luck! some say a lot of hard work... a groundbreaking idea! a combination of the three?

As it turns out there may be all three, two of the three, or sometimes even one, the exact route always varies for everyone. So is it hopeless? Can one then not get rich, have the means necessary to do what one wants to do in life... Thankfully, there are some things about the process of wealth creation that are the same and are seen repeated over and over again.

It always begins in the mind. You have to get the "rich" mindset. It is the reason that the rich keep getting richer, off course some would say money leads to more money and that is frequently true, but that too has to begin at the mind at some stage. You have to the see the money in your mind before you can manifest it in reality. It's much like any other accomplishment, you have to see it in your head first, make it part of your life. You have to see it while you're asleep, while you're awake, you gotta eat, it breath it, live the idea for it to become reality. Carnegie talked about it, Rockefeller talked about it, and a lot of people who attained prosperity have mentioned it.

So how exactly does one see wealth in one's mind, and more importantly how does one realize it? This exact process of seeing wealth in your mind can be emulated, reproduced, and learnt. THAT is the good news.

In fact, recently, I ran across this training about the mental aspect of wealth creation. It also covers the business aspects of wealth creation, without which, the wealth creation process would just be hot air that sounds nice but doesn't really do anything. The best part of this program is that it is by Igor Ledochowski, one of the foremost hypnosis experts. He has built up a huge empire of wealth around teaching others hypnosis, so this would cover the mental aspects very well, and the business aspects from his experience.
If you're interested, here's a link to the program:

Money in mind by hypnosis expert

Now, back to the discussion. Some of the very basic principles of wealth creation involves the following principles:

  • Making a conscious decision to get rich
  • Think about abundance, and get of the "poverty thinking trap"
  • Work hard for it (generate motivation and follow through on it)
  • Surround yourself with similar thinking people
  • Go out there, do it, and then invest the money to create more
Then again these are just the basics. In fact the progress on this front has gone so far so that certain organizations of very astute people have broken down the process into very precise set of things to do so that anyone can follow through with it and achieve success.

There's a particularly well known program called "The science of getting rich" by really famous people like Bob Procter (of "The Secret" renown), and Jack Canfield (of Chicken Soup for the Soul renown). These people clearly know what they're doing so it's a program that I wouldn't think twice about before saying it's of serious substance.

With this, I'll come to the end of the post. Hopefully you've picked up a thing of two about creating your own world of wealth, and like all other accomplishments, this too begins with the mind. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Lack of time? Solution: Time Management

'Lack of time' is an issue for many people world wide. However, everyone with this issue would agree that scientifically speaking, time passes uniformly for everyone on earth. Then how is it that some people who have the same amount of responsibilities as others have more time than others? The key is time management.

At this point one may have the question as to how all this talk about time management and lack of time is pertinent to one's mind power. The answer to that is that the more time that one tends to have for themselves, the more peace of mind they have and consequently these people tend to have better mental health overall. The solution to the issue of time management isn't decreasing the things that one has to do in order to achieve success, the key is to do things in a manner that allows one to have more time to oneself. Time management is something that many people have written numerous books and articles about because time and not money continues to be the greatest asset that we have. There are several ways of increasing the amount of time you have for yourself and the activities that you enjoy, some of these are: prioritization, and doing things in a more efficient manner by increasing focus and concentration. More often than not the problem is within these two, where people tend to do the less important thing first and when doing the important thing, people tend to do it in a reluctant manner. It is important to understand that by simply putting off something till the last possible minute, one's chances of finishing the project does not increase, therefore it is in one's favor to get something that you want to finish over with as soon as possible so that you have quality time remaining for yourself.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Once again, the power of hynposis in talking

In this post I would once again like to mention the power of conversational hypnosis. I haven't touched upon this topic for quite a while so here goes. The reason that I came back to the topic of conversational hypnosis once again is that I recently saw a video (by the way this is real it was on BBC) in which I saw that there was this person who could get cashiers to unload money to him without any protests... Don't believe me? Watch it here.

When most people think about this they tend to react with amazement, but to those who are truly professionals at this they wonder why not everyone tries to use this in productive ways. I mean honestly, I think that this robber could make much more money if he were legally operating a business. We should learn from this person's mistake and incorporate conversational hypnosis techniques in your own lives and you'll see the difference.

Mastering conversational hypnosis by the way may sound very difficult but it really is not all that difficult, you just need to learn it from the right people. This may sound easy but there are plenty of frauds out there and very few authentic ones.

Here's what an authentic conversational hypnosis training site looks like..

Don't be fooled by the frauds and learn it from the real people. Conversational hypnosis is truly an art that one and all should be practicing.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Procrastination: A barrier to success

One of the greatest obstacles to your path to success will be procrastination. When most people hear this word, they agree that they do it at some time or the other however, most people despite making firm decisions to themselves fail to correct this problem. The fundamental reason to this is that while making the very decision, people tend to procrastinate and this costs them a great deal. It is really a question of mindset.

One might question what this has to do with mind power, however, it is essentially one's mind power that has control over what one is capable of doing or not doing and as we all know procrastination is a barrier to success. As such, when procrastination weakens our very power to accomplish things, how does one defeat it, not just in the short term but in the long term as well?

There is a solution to this and by no means is this a simple one. The solution may seem straightforward, but in reality it is quite difficult to adhere to, its resolve and belief in oneself. It is basically the ability to keep the promises that ones keeps to oneself. If one could do that they will eventually be able to champion procrastination which is an impediment to mental power and success.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

How conversational hypnosis could help you on your path to success

According to most people hypnosis is what they have seen in movies, one guy moving a pendulum back and forth in the face of another person who consequently becomes hynotized and does whatever his 'master' commands. Well, as we all know this only happens in hollywood. Now, don't get me wrong here, hypnotizing does exist and it is a very effective science. However, it is not neccesarily done with a pendulum, it is just a means to persuade another person to follow what you say with the art of speaking and body language.

It is also possible to put people into trances with teh utilization of speech and other techniques. Now you must be wondering. What does this have anything to do with success. Well, it has everything to do with success. Just think about it, when is a person termed successful. A person is declared successful when he accomplishes something. You must have some kind of idea what you want to do and with it you would need the consent of a bunch of people to attain it. This consent part is a done thing if you can effectively utilize hypotization. A Comprehensive conversational hynosis course is what this kind of hynois is. It will teach you how you can use hynosis in real life to hynotize another person while having a basic conversation. It is even said on this site that they can put a person into a trance with this Comprehensive conversational hynosis course you can easily get another person to do whatever you want, get clients to happily buy more from you, negotiate much better, get your children or teens to say yes to whatever you want, keep your love ever loyal to you and what's best they will thank you for what you did.

This is the power of conversational hypnosis, for all that you know this might have happened to you even in your own life and you never knew it. This is a science known to a very few, but with knowledge of this you can truly become the master of your own life and control every aspect of your life towards acheiving success and happiness.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

How to increase your chances of success

We see it, and history proves it that the brain power of a person is directly proportional to his or her success. In any field if success is to be attained, just being proactive and knowing your priorities wouldn't get you success, it would make you more effective but that is not synonymous to success. To succeed you need to be intelligent and one step ahead of your competition. As time advances, we are stepping into a generation of breakneck competition for superior posts, jobs, titles and pretty much everything pertaining to success. Therefore competition is going to be extremely difficult to beat. And after all this, the eminent question arises, how do we succeed in life??

It is generally agreed upon that there is no shortcur or easy way to success, but it is also known that some ways work much better than others. When people fail, those who are determined to succeed work harder and harder till they acheive the goal. Most people might think that this is the right path but what we need to understand here is that ' if you do what you have always done before, you will get what you have always got before.'

There are some techniques that one can use to sharpen his brain power and therefore succeed. It is all in the learning process, the way your brain perceives things. If you study harder you need to remember that every one else who faired better than you probably worked harder than you already, so therefore you would be playing catch up. So in order to succeed what you really need is a new technique; a new technique to improve your learning process.

The best example of this that I have found that truly works is the Study less, learn more system, this system truly teaches you how to succeed in the learning process, this will finally let you step ahead of your competition and instead of playing catch up you will now be in the lead and with an accelerated system. Combined with hard work, you will be soon increasing your lead and brain power by leaps and bounds.

With increasing your learning ability you will get much closer to acheiving success. I hope this article helps you, more articles about this and mind power will be coming soon