Again I bring you the power of conversational hypnosis. What better way of demonstrating it than a Derren Brown video in which during a casual conversation, high levels of neuro linguistic programming was successfully executed. I'm not going to say much more, sit back and marvel at this brilliant demonstration by Derren Brown:
Amazing video again and pretty self-explanatory. Fortunately you can learn the art of conversational hypnosis, and do similar things, perhaps not as effectively as Derren Brown here right away but you could eventually get there and more with practice.
This is the link to a site on conversational hypnosis by expert Igor Ledochowski
Here is a link to less of the showman like hypnosis which gets down to the details quicker
P.S. Let me know what you think about how "practical" NLP, conversational hypnosis could be & whether you think it can "actually" be done this effectively in the comments. I've got a really interesting anecdote on this one... will post soon.
Amazing video again and pretty self-explanatory. Fortunately you can learn the art of conversational hypnosis, and do similar things, perhaps not as effectively as Derren Brown here right away but you could eventually get there and more with practice.
This is the link to a site on conversational hypnosis by expert Igor Ledochowski
Here is a link to less of the showman like hypnosis which gets down to the details quicker
P.S. Let me know what you think about how "practical" NLP, conversational hypnosis could be & whether you think it can "actually" be done this effectively in the comments. I've got a really interesting anecdote on this one... will post soon.